The Controversy Behind Social Security Disability Insurance

The federal government has a program called Social Security Disability Insurance. It is designed to be used by people who are unable to work due to a mental or physical health issue. There are judges who are supposed to evaluate each individual case, and determine who is eligible. It seems that one of the judges has an extremely high rate of approval. An investigation has been started. Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal published a front page article that pointed out the very high award rate of one of the administrative judges whose job it is to evaluate applications … Continue reading

May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month

When people think about getting insurance, they usually think of auto insurance, health insurance, and life insurance. Disability insurance is often overlooked. How much do you really know about disability insurance? May is the perfect month to learn more about this kind of insurance policy. There are two different types of disability insurance. The federal government has a program that provides financial assistance to people who are disabled. Another name for it is Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. You cannot purchase this type of disability insurance. Instead, you must apply for it. You will be asked several questions about your … Continue reading

No Raise In Disability Insurance Benefits Next Year

Now is the time of year when letters will be sent to people who are currently getting Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. These letters will provide information about what to expect in regards to the amount of your benefit checks in the coming year. The letter my husband got was a bit disappointing this time around. My husband is legally blind, which means he qualifies for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. He is able to work part time, and the money he gets from his Disability Insurance is an incredibly helpful supplement to his income. It is something we rely … Continue reading

Can’t Get Unemployment Insurance? Try Disability!

The United States is going through a time when the unemployment rate is very high. It has been like this for several years now. Recently, the House of Representatives voted against another extension of unemployment benefits, which means that many of the Americans who were eligible for unemployment insurance no longer will be receiving that form of financial assistance. What can they do? It seems that whenever unemployment is high, there is a corresponding surge of people who apply for disability insurance. During the fiscal year of 2010, there were 3.2 million applications for disability insurance. This is significantly more … Continue reading